
Women's BJJ Rash Guards

Why Women Should Wear Rash Guards for BJJ

In BJJ, rash guards are an essential piece of gear. The use of rash protection during training and competition, especially among female athletes, cannot be overstated. As well as looking great and adding some flair to your training, women’s BJJ rash guards have plenty of benefits on the mat. These include: Protection Against Mat Burns When you’re rolling, you can often get a “rug burn” from the friction of the mat against your skin. This can create open wounds that are painful and can keep you off the mat. Mat burn is a reality of the sport but wearing a rash...

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Becca Burkhart
5 Ways to Level-up your Jiu Jitsu Off the Mat

5 Ways to Level-up your Jiu Jitsu Off the Mat

If you participate in jiu jitsu, chances are that you want to be the healthiest version of yourself so that you can feel and perform your best. While you may have optimized your training, chances are that you haven’t optimized every area of your health and fitness. If this is the case, you’re leaving a lot on the table. Here are five areas of health that you need to be optimizing to perform your best whether you’re on or off the mat: Strength Training: Strength Training not only provides benefits for Jiu Jitsu, but overall health as well. Injuries are...

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Becca Burkhart
5 Ways to Overcome a Plateau and Level up Your Jiu Jitsu Game

5 Ways to Overcome a Plateau and Level up Your Jiu Jitsu Game

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a fun, perplexing, and challenging sport. At some point in your jiu jitsu career you’re bound to encounter a time where you feel like you aren’t making any progress. Plateauing in your jiu jitsu game can make you feel like you are just spinning your wheels; it can be frustrating, demotivating, and make you debate sticking with it. But there’s good news, there is always something more to learn and plateaus don’t need to last long if you’re willing to take a different approach.  Here are 5 things you can do to overcome a plateau and...

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Team Account
A Jiu Jitsu Girls Guide to Finding Other Women Who Train

A Jiu Jitsu Girls Guide to Finding Other Women Who Train

One of the best aspects about doing jiu jitsu is the community that surrounds it. A lot of gyms are fortunate to have several (or even a team) of women at their gym, which can be a great way to foster friendships, develop trustworthy relationships, and even the potential for mentorship.  The Female jiu jitsu community continues to grow every day, but it can really be a challenge to find other women who train if your gym doesn’t already have a women’s team. If you are new to your gym or new to the sport itself, it can feel daunting...

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